Tuesday 12 February 2013

An eventful weekend.....

I woke up on Friday just gone, finally feeling like my 'food poisoning from the sausages' had begun to pass. I was having excruciating pains in my belly, but nothing I couldn't deal with. It was the last day of Tony's annual leave, so we decided to go to the gym together.

This is something that is a major hobby for Tony as well as being his job. For me it doesn't come so naturally but I'm gradually becoming addicted, wanting 'the body' and for everyone to say "you wouldn't believe she's had a baby"! One day, it will happen, but for the moment, it's work in progress.

We headed off to the gym, whilst Noah went to Nana's workplace for her to show him off. Tony's mum works at the hospital that Noah was born in and some of the ladies from her office hadn't seen him since he was born.

Time alone for me and Tony is precious now, but as you can see we aren't the conventional couple who go to the cinema/restaurant when we have a babysitter. We don't even rest! The gym for us, is a luxury though and so we do enjoy our time there (Tony loves his time there, looking in the mirrors........Lol).

We then popped into Maidstone town to buy birthday present's as it is the busiest weekend of all for birthday's in my family. We collected Noah, and headed to my mum's as it was my baby brothers 24th birthday. My nan was there who was so happy to see her only great-grandchild walking at last. Makes me feel awful for not seeing her more, but I just don't feel like I get a spare 5 mins to pop in and see her. I'll regret that one day seeing as she is almost 85.

We left my mum's really late, Noah was still wide awake, living the dream of being spoiled silly. I wouldn't mind him staying up so late if the little ginger sod would sleep in late, but he doesn't, so a lay in is still a very distant memory!

Saturday began and before we knew it we were running late for my cousin's daughters 2nd birthday party. "Where are the car keys Sar" I was being asked. "I don't know Tone. If you put them back where they should go behind the phone, you would be able to find them". This is a regular occurance in our house and yet it never changes! It appeared Noah had been playing with them and we had no idea where they had been put. We couldn't even take my car as for some reason my keys were in Tony's car, which was locked and the keys were lost.

After 20 minutes of looking everywhere, I found them behind the kitchen door on the floor. I can imagine Noah thinking this would be fun...... "the losers won't find them here"!

We headed off to the party, which was craziness as it always is with my family. Wouldn't change it for the world though. Whilst at the party, we decided skips aren't the way forward for Noah. Hyperactivity levels went off the scale! He had fun though and it was soon time to head home as both me and Tony were out Saturday night.

From this blog, I sound like I have a lot of fun lately, but I can promise my social life is never as good as this is making it seem. I must be having a block of social events, making me seem quite the party goer!

I got ready, all glammed up in shoes I cannot walk in. Oh my god, they are the death shoes! Inside, I can do it. Get me on concrete, I'm like Bambi on ice. Really not attractive, but the shoes are amazing, so I didn't care. Gold glitter platforms, what more could a girl ask for, except a broken neck which I was anticipating later in the night.

I met the babygroup girls and we headed out first to The Cricketers which is our funky local and then over to Mumu in Maidstone. Now this was a much calmer night out than we usually have, but was still a lovely evening. I made it until 1:30am on Sunday, neck intact, before heading back to Tony's parents house, where Noah was tucked up fast asleep. Tony got in about 10 minutes after me and we both fell asleep pretty quick, knowing Noah would be awake at 7:30 ish.

He did us proud and slept through until 9:00am giving us a little lay in. Nothing compares to our 1:00pm lay in's we used to have, but we'll take 9:00 any day now!

We had another party to attend today, my cousin's son's 1st birthday. So we headed home shortly after a fry up, got ready and out for the next one. Yet again another day with the crazy lot. We usually only see each other at Christmas so the joke was that we'd seen each other twice in 1 weekend. Love us all getting together though, have such a laugh. Really should do it more often.

Before we knew it, it was 5:00pm and time to head home to get a roast on and get ready for the 'back to work' Monday. For the first time ever I made Noah's lunch the night before, had his bag packed and ready to go. It didn't make things majorly easier in the morning but it gave me 5 mins extra to get ready.

Already my leave feels like a million years ago and I'm back into the daily slog once again. I'm lucky to have Friday's off each week so the countdown is well and truly underway. That is how I live my life. Monday begins, I countdown to Thursday 4:00pm, when I can hope the hours pass slowly until Monday again.

This weekend I have already stated we are doing nothing. I can't wait! Although I guarantee that we will end up doing something and Monday will be here before we know it.

In fact, I've just remembered we are out Sunday.

I'm guessing life would be boring if it wasn't so busy, but sometimes it would be nice for time to stand still just for an hour.

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